Monday 13 August 2012



My names Ash and I'm a gamer in my late 30s who's massively into the Games Workshop tabletop wargame - Warhammer 40,000. This is my occasional blog, which won't be updated all that often, just somewhere that I can post up some painting projects and my favourite part of the hobby: conversions.

I first started playing 40k back in the late 80s early 90s with the 1st Edition, then had a break for a few years (for beer and girls) then picked it up again with 5th Ed, and I'm now getting stuck into 6th Ed.

I'm probably not an amazing painter, but I have minimum standards that I set for myself - usually a base coat, wash, reapply base coat then two highlights. Sometimes If I'm feeling like it I'll stick a superhighlight on top. I only play with fully painted minis - it all goes back to some old GW edict that your army has to be painted before you can play. That's always stuck with me, and it far better to play a painted army than a sea of grey plastic... plus, I know that if I built it then started playing with it I'd never get round to painting it! Problem is I paint very slowly so it takes me ages to get new stuff ready to play!

My main army is Chaos Space Marines - specifically Death Guard. I really love the background to Nurgle and didn't want to field yet another Black Legion. I have mixed it up with some Chosen Marines that I painted as Alpha Legion - I always Outflank with them, and it seemed to fit Alpha Legion's sneaky ethos more than Death Guard. I've got 2 units of 5 Chosen Marines that Outflank in a Rhino each, and each unit comprises 4 Meltas and 1 Champion with Melta Bombs, so any Heavy Vehicles in the left or right side of the table have better watch their backs. I’m loving the new allies rules in 6th Ed, which I’m going to use to bring Epidemius and possibly Ku’Gath to the table… Awesome stuff!

The best thing I've ever painted has to be my Daemon Prince of Nurgle - converted to sport wings (the WHFB Griffon Wings set) to make it jump infantry.

I managed to make it look like it's flying with some judicious use of some heavy supporting wire hidden by chains. It got me a finalist pin at Games Day 2010, and yes - it is the old metal model, before anyone had heard of Finecast!

So there you go - that's me. Next project will be posted up soon, so stay tuned.


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